200 TQA no hot start...RESOLVED!

Nicholas Lawrence nick at beol.net
Thu Mar 22 20:49:25 EST 2001

    Many thanks to James Marriott and Scott M.
Symptom was start OK cold but would not start.  Solution was to rotate the
distributor (approx. 10 degrees), I first set the flywheel on "0" and then
lined up the window rotor and the mark on the distributor as per the book.
Car started right up,  drove it for a day with many starts.
    My question is why/how?   I've had the car only a few k miles so can't
be sure of entire history, I don't think the distributor had ever been
turned and  the distributor "seal" was in place. I don't think many would
replace it.
    And thanks to all listers advice.  I had checked most every sensor,
bought fuel pressure gauge and tested,  was running out of guesses.

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