Need Advice on Potential 97 A6 Avant

Andrew Duane USG duane at
Mon Mar 26 07:36:20 EST 2001

Hairy green toads from Mars made Bill Rowe say:

> 67k miles, $18,900, clean, runs well, no warranty.  Good deal if all checks
> out?

Reasonably good deal, I just sold my '95 A6QA with a few extras, but
89K miles for $13,500. I think you could probably get it for $17-$17.5K.

> Is there a 5 spd version in the US?

No. A6 Wagons were not offered in the US with a 5-speed. Sedans were
almost non-existant after '95, I think none in '97-'99. A few in '00
(I know, I have one :-) )

Is this the 4-speed or the 5-speed auto? Should be 5, right?
The 5-speed is superior to the 4-speed.

> Was CD changer std or option?

Optional, but if you have the factory CD player, it should plug right
in. They are available aftermarket for about $400.

> recent work (only record available):
> intake manifold gasket replaced- dealer couldn't tell me why
> oil pan and right wheel replaced.  work order stated it bottomed out and
> tech noted that right cross member was bent and tranny pan was dented
> headlight assembly replaced
> are these signs of an accident and complete loss of oil when pan ruptured?

Hmmmm.... likely. Maybe not an accident per se, but hitting a BFP
(big freaking pothole) at mach 2? Check it carefully for alignment
and driving straight and centered.

> I'm a type 44 enthusiast and I do all my repairs at home.  Wife really wants
> it but I've never owned a newer Audi.  Are they a pain to work on and what's
> the reliability index?

I liked my '95 A6QA, which was basically the same car. I did some work
at home, had a good shop (required for Audi ownership) for the rest.
Reliability should be better than the 100/200/A6 of earlier vintage,
I had an '89 100Q before the wagon, needed a lot more work.

BTW, you might find out about the timing belt/water pump/etc. since
the car has over 60K, but on the newer V6's, it is more typically
spec'd out at 90K. Mine cost about $600 to get the whole she-bang done.


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane at
Compaq Computer Corporation		(603)-884-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH    03062-2698

Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too psychotic to express it

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