question on valve timing

Roa, Greg groa at
Mon Mar 26 13:16:04 EST 2001

Hello all,
I changed the lifters on my 86 4kcsq this weekend.  Seemed to go smoothly.
When I was putting everything back together, I realized that I needed to
make sure that the distributor was in the proper position, as it had moved
when I had the camshaft out.  I had the engine set to top dead center, by
the mark on the cam sprocket.  I couldn't see the mark on the flywheel
however.  I had made sure that the timing belt had tension on it the whole
time, so that it didn't slip any teeth.  I set the distributor to the
correct position assuming that the engine was at TDC.  When I was done, I
turned the engine slowly, and noticed that the mark on the flywheel showing
TDC was visible, and in the correct position when the cam sprocket had
advanced two teeth.  So, I am assuming that my valve timing is off. Being as
the timing belt had not moved from where it was when I began, and the timing
belt was in the exact same position as when I started, I made a few
rotations of the engine by hand, to make sure that nothing would contact,
and started it up.  Engine ran wonderfully.  As good as before.  Now is it
possible that my valve timing is really this far off, or am I reading the
Bentley manual wrong?  It seems to me that the car would act funny if the
belt was off by two teeth, but I just got done with a 250 mile trip, and it
ran beautifully the whole time, and seems to be getting good gas mileage.
What do you think?
Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
On location in Tuscola, Ill.
86' 4kcsq
93 90 CS
83' 944

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