4kcsq totalled... :) Dumb Question?

aparatii at xprt.net aparatii at xprt.net
Tue Mar 27 14:51:27 EST 2001

In my personal tradition of attempting to keep at least one car on 
the road at a time, the volvo 122s is in need of some care and so I'm 
back to the Audi again.. (finally!)
First off I'd like to thank everyone here who's advice helped me 
decide to keep the 86 4kcsq after crashing and having it declared 
totalled.  Driving it around the Portland area yesterday really made 
me appreciate how much I would have missed it if I let the insurance 
co keep it.
So far I've got it all fixed (mechanically anyhow) and am just 
struggling with the bumper now...  Not sure what would be the best 
way to proceed since this has been my first frolic into the land of 
auto body.  Now that all the stuff up front that was bent out of 
whack is all straightened out, I just need to put the bumper back on 
and realign the headlights right?  Of course, what I amazingly didn't 
consider is that the bumper was bent up too and of course doesn't fit 
The red and black plastic cover is in fine shape as it is flexible, 
and wasnt scratched in the straight-on impact, but the metal bumper 
itself is bent inward right in the middle, so it doesn't allow the 
bumper to clear the radiator support bar...  
So now what?  Would it be easier to try to find the whole assembly in 
red, try to find just the metal bumper (which the turnsignals attach 
to), or to straighten the one that's in there (its not ::mangled:: 
just bent)??

Cost is most definitely an issue, by the way..  Consider me extremely 

Any ideas are most definitely appreciated!

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