Bocsh euro light question

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at
Wed Mar 28 15:37:59 EST 2001

>Yup, the lenses are replaceable. I just installed new lenses on mine 
>without any problems. Be carful when cleaning the reflector in the base of 
>the lamp as I'd swear they used some type of water soluble finish on it! I 
>sourced the new lenses from Metrix in Canada.

I'd love to have the PNs if they are handy.

>Beware that although the price for the lenses themselves is certainly a 
>bargain at about $30 each, the shipping to NH was very high at about $88 !

There is something wrong there, unless Metrix is in B.C..  I just had 2 set 
of lights (~25lbs total) shipped from Canada/Toronto to MAine for $33.  
Granted this was CAnada post and it took 2 weeks, but I've also had KVR ship 
a set of rotors (to NH & NYC) UPS for less than 1/2 the price you mention.
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