bending aluminum

Mike Arman armanmik at
Thu Mar 29 10:18:27 EST 2001

>From: Dave Hord <spokes at>

>I need to bend a few pieces so I can mount the rally-laptop to my dash.
>less-then-90 degree bends, on sheet aluminum that is 12-15" wide.
>Does anyone know where I can get this done inexpensively...or, does anyone
>any tools that I can borrow/use (I've found a few places that sell home
>bending tools...but for one use, i don't know thier worth it...)

Harbor Freight sells a small sheet metal bending brake for $30 (could even
be $20 for the little one) which will do what you need. For that kind of
money you could even throw it out after you use it and you'll be ahead of
the game. (If you do throw it out, I'll take it!)

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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