#1275 - profiling!

Edward Birch edwbirch at home.com
Thu Mar 29 20:43:21 EST 2001

> Subject: musings and condenser cleaner....

> Went to VAG/Porsche dealer yesterday<snip>was dressed in an old
> crappy shirt, old crappy shorts and old crappy sneakers.  As I read the
> sticker on a Boxster a salesman asked if I had any Porsche questions.
> can I have one please? (normally profiling angers me, but clearly this
> saleman had the wrong guy).

Go into a Mercedes Benz dealership dressed like that!    OR, drive up in a
MB Turbo-Diesel. Salesmen there won't even speak to you.  BTDT.   Never mind
that some of us can pay cash for a $70,000 German car.

Nothing worse than a snooty German car salesman!

Ed Birch...93-100S

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