wannabe calloway turbo kit?

Mihnea Cotet mihnea_cotet at hotmail.com
Tue May 1 13:36:57 EDT 2001

Hi all!

I've followed the callaway turbo kit thread since the very beginning, and I 
am seriously planning to do this when I swap my car's 2.2l engine for a 
2.3l. It seems that it is the easier way to go for higher HP without the big 
bucks...I will however use a thicker head gasket in order to lower the CR a 
little, say 9:1, as 10:1 could be a little too much!

My questions are:
-What Intake manifold should I use for this conversion? As I suppose the 
stock 2.3 IM won't work with the turbo piping...
-Will the 5ktd downpipe bolt on directly between the 5ktd EM and my stock 
exhaust system? And is the 5ktd EM a true bolt-on for the 2.2l engine of a 
-Will it work correctly with my CIS and Ignition system that doesn't have 
any Knock-sensing, and what about the vacuum input to the ignition 
-If someone has the June 1986 VW & Porsche Issue with the Callaway 
conversion kit, could it be possible to have a scan of the article emailed, 

Thanks to all,


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