Drivers side headlight needed...

Stephen Ankney ankneys at
Tue May 1 21:40:53 EDT 2001

Colin, Listers,
And I thought ovens were for baking cookies!:) I'll have to give that a 

Steve Ankney
88 5000
Holland, MI

>From: "colin cohen" <colincohen at>
>Reply-To: "colin cohen" <ccohen5 at>
>To: <ankneys at>, "qlist" <quattro at>
>Subject: Drivers side headlight needed...
>Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 11:46:35 -0400
>You may be able to repair it:
>1 remove headlight and all wiring/plastic components;
>2 place headlight in an warm oven, probably not more than 200 deg.
>3 turn headlight over several times so that warm moist vapor containing 
>errant moisture is able to escape through the open holes in the reflector
>and the glass
>4 if the interior clears up using this process, then place a layer of
>plastic film like stonegard over the front of the headlight and allow it to
>cool in as dry an area as you can find.  One suggestion is place in a
>cardboard box in a room which has a/c and sprinkle a thin layer of baking
>soda on the bottom of the box and the lamp being careful to get NONE inside
>the lamp housing.
>This worked for me once when there was no reflector damage and did not work
>when I let the reflector get too tarnished.
>Usual caveats apply, especially to the heating process.

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