Auxiliary turbo coolant pump, bypassing - a warning

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sat May 5 23:51:20 EDT 2001

Not sure, but I think the gray stuff is designed for use in cold-water 
plumbing like sprinkler systems.  There's a specific product line for use 
with pressurized hot water.  It's been so long since I used any plastics 
for other than drains that I don't remember what it's called.  My personal 
preference would have been a copper elbow.

At 07:12 PM 05/05/2001 -0400, Kevin Phillips wrote:

>I fitted my glue and screw repaired turbo coolant pump today. It has been
>by-passed with a 3/4" gray PVC 90 degree elbow.
>I noticed that the elbow has changed shape rather drastically and I think it
>could have failed sometime later. I have only done 1 hot run from the
>airport the other night (lots of fun) so I think that the coolant gets too
>hot for the PVC to handle.
>If you are going to do this by-pass yourself consider it to be very
>Kevin Phillips AIM "quattrohead"
>Western Massachusetts
>1990 200q
>1995 900 SET
>Cell 413 519 9034

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