4k still running hot!!

Richard J. Andrews tech at flashmail.com
Mon May 7 00:28:56 EDT 2001

they do usually run about 2/3 to 3/4...
but if you use the different thermoswitch for the fan...
and swap the wire to the center terminal the fan will come on
much.. much sooner..
and a 5 blade fan would help as well..
both of my '86's already had them though..
BTW, i flushed my cooling system last night..
now my temp runs around half..


'86 4kq (x2)
At 10:56 PM 5/6/01, you wrote:
><<  Re: 4k still running hot!! >>Chirs I know the felling but I don't have
>the entire answer yet.  I am waiting for a radiator for my 95 4kq to come in
>now but this has been an on going problem.  In the last 4 years I have spent
>maybe $1500.00 on what were supposed to be good shops fixing the problem,but
>D.C. traffic is cruel and unusual and it beats me down.  My A.C. doesn't work
>so one thing I didi was to remove the condenser.  That only helps when your

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