re. disintended nondeceleration....

jim rose sf5ktq at
Mon May 7 13:51:07 EDT 2001

i cleaned the ISV last night (couldnt believe the seemingly endless amount 
of crud that i gumout-ed out of it) and tightened / checked every vaccum 
line in the western world for leaks/crakcs etc. as well as played with the 
linkage, and tightened the adjuster bolt to the discc-shaped vaccum 
controller (1/2 rubber, 1/2 metal about 2.5" in diameter - what IS that 
thing?) as the linkage was loose.

alas, to no avail. off to look at /check the switches. thanks for all 
advice, ill post up when i get it sorted.

i never knew how much i used the engine to slow the car till now.


>Concentrate on finding the most likely culprit being a problem with the
>WOT/IDLE switch or circuit.  I have had problems with mine on a number of
>occasions.  1) Switch can be flaky - replace 2) Wires to the swith can be
>broken - check that you are getting +V to - through connector 3) Switch is
>tricky to adjust, and can be tempermental - even when new.  I have found 
>resolved all of the above problem with mine at one time or another.  In all
>three cases, resulted in the problem you describe.
>'87 5kcstqw
>'85 4kcsq
>[soooo.....    my 5ktq is having some issues slowing down.
>when i let off the gas or downshift, the motor decelerates VERY slowly,
>giving a "cruise-control" effect. it is an intermittent problem, about 70%
>of the time. also some rmp's are "stickier" than others. idle is also high
>when the problem rears its head. 11-1500 from it's usual 8-900.
>check of the linkage turned up nothing apparently out of place. i didn't
>want to just add some slack in the adjuster bolt at the throttle lever.
>there are 2 VERY suspiscious vaccum doodas right there attached to the
>throttle arm/lever. any thoughts?
>thanx, all

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