two more 4k issues

ed armstrong edshred2000 at
Mon May 7 15:11:52 EDT 2001

Check the fuel pump relay. They all have an rpm/fuel
cut limit. Yours may be from a different model Audi/VW
or 4 cylinder !?

>    Ok, When reving my 86 4kq high it only revs to 5k
> rpms and acts as if it 
> is red lined.    It hesitates and there is a loss of
> power and it won't rev 
> any further.   It's quite a violent reaction.  When
> in neutral the engine 
> still will rev freely to intended red line.  What
> could this possibly be 
> cause from?    Is it repairable?    The engine has
> lots of miles on it 
> (200,000+) and is nearing the end of it's life.   Is
> this just a symptom of 
> a long hard life or is it possibly fixable?

Could the knocking come from the vacuum assist pump
attached to the block?? This caused knocking on my
Coupe GT that I originally thought was caused by the
lifters. Removing it resulted in no ill effects for

If not this, then you simply may be low on oil or
using an oil with too light a weight.\

>     Also, I have a lifter that is knocking badly.  
> I just replace the seals 
> and lifters about a year ago.   The lifter was
> knocking also before I 
> replaced it.   Why is the lifter knocking already?  
>  Is there anything that 
> can be done?    I fear that this is a sign of a bad
> compression ratio in a 
> cylinder?   Am I on the right track?   Is this,
> again, a symptom of a dying 
> engine?    Maybe it's time to do the engine
> transplant?
> ~Chris
> 86 4kcsq

Good luck


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