turbo conversion help
ed armstrong
edshred2000 at yahoo.com
Tue May 8 14:40:04 EDT 2001
I am in the middle of a turbo conversion to a 90q.
You should first check out Javads write up on this:
This will give you an idea of what involved.
As far as time and money, it will take you about 2-4
months working weekends, and about $1500-2500. I
currently have ~$600 in this project but there still
is a lot more to purchase.
First thing you need to acquire is a good MC turbo
motor, an engine hoist, and the Bently manual if you
are not familiar with Audis.
Good luck.
- ed
--- Vincent D'Amore <CaptVincent at netscape.net> wrote:
> i am planning on doing a turbo conversion on my 1988
> 80q, however i have no experience with turbo
> conversions. i am fairly handy with cars but hav
> never done any major custom work so i have several
> questions that i hope can be answered by more
> experienced list members.
> 1.how much money and time should i have available
> before i start? (i would like to do a fairly simple
> and relitivly inexpencive conversion, but i still
> desire great preformance)
> 2.what is the best engine to use, and how should i
> modify it before mounting it in the car? (also what
> can i do to modify it after mounting it)
> 3.what parts and equipment do i need before
> starting?
> 4.are there an mechanics in the ny tri-state area
> that can do this for me and/or service it
> afterwords?
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