turbo conversion help

Jim Green jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Tue May 8 16:36:59 EDT 2001

Amen, Turbo!!!!!!!!
I'll be honest and say be prepared to spend $2500 at
least.  This may sound like a lot, but factor in all
the new parts your car will have like clutch, seals,
belts, hoses, motor mounts, it does not seem that bad.
 Especially once you get that smooth MC motor running.
 I am hovering at 9psi right now with the stock
CIS-III, without the additional injectors which are
installed and awaiting programming.  I am scared to
see this car with another 7-10 psi. running through
it.  I can hardly believe the stock system is
supporting that much boost.  Plugs are a perfect dark
brown color.  Check out Dave Close's conversion if you
want to install the full MC system.  Anyone have a
link that works?  You can see a little at 
As far as mechanics go, if you do it yourself, you
will know your car so well you woun't need a mechanic.
 I had the car running again after three weeks working
60 hrs a week.  Since I have just been ironing out
some performance restrictions, the intake being the
largest issue.  Exhaust is next, along with the

'89 90tq

Vincent wrote:

I am in the middle of a turbo conversion to a 90q. 
You should first check out Javads write up on this:


This will give you an idea of what involved.

As far as time and money, it will take you about 2-4
months working weekends, and about $1500-2500. I
currently have ~$600 in this project but there still
is a lot more to purchase. 

First thing you need to acquire is a good MC turbo
motor, an engine hoist, and the Bently manual if you
are not familiar with Audis.

Good luck. 

- ed

--- Vincent D'Amore <CaptVincent at netscape.net> wrote:
> i am planning on doing a turbo conversion on my 1988
> 80q, however i have no experience with turbo
> conversions. i am fairly handy with cars but hav
> never done any major custom work so i have several
> questions that i hope can be answered by more
> experienced list members.
> 1.how much money and time should i have available
> before i start? (i would like to do a fairly simple
> and relitivly inexpencive conversion, but i still
> desire great preformance)
> 2.what is the best engine to use, and how should i
> modify it before mounting it in the car? (also what
> can i do to modify it after mounting it)
> 3.what parts and equipment do i need before
> starting? 
> 4.are there an mechanics in the ny tri-state area
> that can do this for me and/or service it
> afterwords?

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