(no subject)

barth at wilsongriak.com barth at wilsongriak.com
Tue May 8 19:02:31 EDT 2001

I have a 90 v8q and last week I had a hot start problem which was a 
reference sensor issue we thought or was, but I still have a problem. 
It worked for a couple of days but then began to stall at low rpm or 
coasting or stop light. For a while it would start up again but soon 
it turned into the original problem of a non hot start. (wait 45 min 
and then go) This time the guys replaced the rt side distributor. 
They were confidant but again it stalls, and starts but my guess is 
will soon not hot start. Any thoughts??? Someone on the list thought 
check valve early on. Could it be??  Thanks in advance!!!

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