put Ingolstadt on the list? - recommended travel destinations in Europe

Joel Lenorovitz jlenorovitz at yahoo.com
Thu May 10 11:21:27 EDT 2001


I will be visiting the motherland (of my quattro, at least) in a few weeks and
wanted to know if any of you have been to Ingolstadt.  Is there a lot to see there
for the Audi enthusiast/Joe Public or is it strictly an all-business and production
facility?  Any other advice you can provide on Audi, motorsports, fussball, etc. or
testamonials on other places to visit in Europe would be greatly appreciated. 


P.S. - Can I pick anyone up a Euro-spec Audi while I'm there?  I'll be sure to have
it nice and broken in before it's shipped stateside!

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