What would you do? '89 200 non-Q

Shawn Kolu skolu at qwest.net
Thu May 10 22:19:51 EDT 2001

I currently own a '89 200 non-q, auto trans with 150K.  Body is clean, paint
is good.  I believe the engine is sound, but I have deferred a lot of
repairs i.e. sagging headliner, 3 electric windows not working (loom or
regulator?), No AC (Charge?), leaky exhaust (muffler not manifold), dead
bomb, leaky rack or pump or high pressure hose, blah, blah, blah.  I know
it's nearly criminal as this is actually a wonderful car.

What I want is a 5000/200 Q, what I really want is a 20V 200Q Avant, though
I don't want a car payment.  The question should I sell it as is, save some
money and buy a Q or should I fix what I've got.  I imagine 2 to 3 K to get
it back in shape.  I'll do some of the work and have the shop do some.  For
Example, I would do the high pressure hose or hydraulic pump, I wouldn't do
the rack.

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