1990 200 TQA..ISV WOT WGFV.. When and why

Stacy Anable masterwizard7 at hotmail.com
Sun May 13 05:23:53 EDT 2001

i had a similar problem with my isv, and after checking everything and even 
trying a diff isv i found that the problem we a defective temp sender. when 
it is idleing funny try unplugging the one pin temp sender on top of the 
thermostat housing, then plug it back in, if you idle goes down unplugged 
but goes back up plugged in, that may be your prob, it wouldn't hurt to 
replace this little sender its only 15 bucks at schucks


>From: "Nicholas  Lawrence" <nick at beol.net>
>To: "Audi (E-mail)" <quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: 1990 200 TQA..ISV    WOT  WGFV.. When and why
>Date: Sat, 12 May 2001 17:08:01 -0500
>     I suspect my ISV is sticking, I've tried cleaning numerous times to no
>avail. Idle is erratic high and will go down if I unplug ISV.
>     Question:  when does the ISV work and why not leave it unplugged? runs
>OK in that mode.
>     The WOT is open at full throttle (no continuity) and as I understand 
>has to function in order for boost to be controlled by ECU. With analog
>gauge I get only 4psi and bypassing the WGFV brings 12 plus and fuel cut 
>so it is capable of boost.
>     Question:  Is there a reason for not "making" the switch full time and
>letting the ECU handle boost?
>     And are these parts dealer only?
>     TIA
>     Nick   90' 200 TQA

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