96 A6q advice

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Sun May 13 13:17:56 EDT 2001

Audi is having problems with the bushings on all cars with the new
multi-link front suspension (A4,A6,Passat). The bushings are failing
rapidly, causing squeaks and clunking noises. The local Audi techs check
them by putting the car up on the alignment rack. A tech in the car drives
it forward and applies the brakes. A tech under the car has his hand on the
bushing feeling for play. I watched them check an A4 with 30k km on the
clock last week - one bushing was so bad it visibly wobbled around the
mount. Two bushings on that car were shot. Some have failed as early as 12k
km. The fix is to replace the complete arm - $250 - $400 for the part,
depending on which it is. Apparently the latest redesigned bushings seem to
be holding up.

Fred Munro
'94 S4 (with reliable McPherson struts :o)

----- Original Message -----
From: "CL Wong" <montesawong at yahoo.com>
To: <DGraber460 at aol.com>
Cc: "AudiFans" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 11:14 AM
Subject: re: 96 A6q advice

> Hi Dennis,
> My 97 A4 (bought new for ~$34k including tax +
> registration) is a great car EXCEPT for the following
> sore points.
> Front suspension is a problematic design.  Lots of
> folks on audiworld complain about suspension noise.
> For my car I started experiencing a suspension rattle
> over low speed bumps after just 2 years of ownership.
> Dealer insists he doesn't hear it and says everything
> is tight.  Just this past week I've begun hearing a
> strange squeek/groan from the suspension when leaving
> a stop light which I need to investigate further.
> I think the car burns too much oil - something like a
> quart every 2k miles.  Was much worse before I found a
> loose oil cooler line clamp.  Transmission fluid was
> really low last year and the drain plug uses somekind
> of security torx bolt thing which I haven't tried to
> remove yet.
> Oil service indicator light requires the VAG tool to
> reset.
> Back seat is tight.
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