Would like to talk to A4 1.8 guys, getting ready to buy
George Plsek
gplsek at hotmail.com
Sun May 13 19:45:40 EDT 2001
I have a 98 1.8T Quattro 5 speed.
with chip, koni shocks, eibach springs and 17" OZ rims, rhemus exhaust.
The car has 52K miles on it and no problems at all to report.
(just don't get a black car)
>From: "Brian O'Neill" <briano_72 at yahoo.com>
>To: Matt Van Bogart <mvanbogart at hotmail.com>, quattro list
><quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: Re: Would like to talk to A4 1.8 guys, getting ready to buy
>Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 11:33:41 -0700 (PDT)
>have one at work. apr chip, 993 front calipers, a8
>rotors, koni shocks and intrax springs. only bad
>things about the cars is turbos go bad and the front
>control arms squeek. go with the 99, they updated the
>arms about 5 times now and it would have the newest
> brian o'
>--- Matt Van Bogart <mvanbogart at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > I drove a '98 and '99 A4 1.8q yesterday. I am
> > seriously looking at buying
> > either of the two and would like to talk with owners
> > of similiar cars.
> >
> > Do you have a car like this? Modified or not -
> > please drop me an email so I
> > can ask a few questions.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Matt Van Bogart
> >
> >
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> > http://explorer.msn.com
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