Lewis Motors aka Screw -Us Motors

Tom Nas tnas at euronet.nl
Wed May 16 19:31:49 EDT 2001

Tom Donohue <donohue at netconnx.net> wrote:

>This post rang a bell for me.  The fellow that I purchased my 91 TQA
>from bought a 97 A8 w/ 63k on it.  At about 70k, the front control arms
>went.  This was diagnosed by the local dealer and confirmed by Al Miller
>at Redline Engineering, whom some of you are familiar with.  This seems
>to be a problem that is emerging among the "new Audi" owners that I,
>with a case of "arrested Audi development" beyond 1991, was not aware
>of.  Anyone else (1) know of this as a problem, and/ or (2) know of any
>recall or proposed remedy in the works?

Here in Holland, it's a recall. The control arms have been updated a couple 
of times, seems to work now.

Regards, Tom

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