CLUNK near the engine

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed May 16 16:45:00 EDT 2001

If you have one of the Audi models with the vacuum-boosted power brake 
system, you may be hearing the piston in the engine block that pulls a 
vacuum on the vacuum reservoir.  It's best to indicate year/model 
information when asking a question regarding your car.

At 02:10 PM 05/16/2001 -0400, Mathieu Tetrault wrote:

>When i start the car i hear a clunk sound near the fifth piston .  it 
>disapear after 2 minutes. someone tell me
>  its normal , the car is cold and when its hot the piece
>take expension and dont clunk anymore. but i know it cant
>be better and the sound will be worst if i dont repair it.
>Its sound like bad valve. i want to know if it hard to adjust or chage it 
>and if someone think its another thing.

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