big hack attack

Mullen, Shaun mullens at
Wed May 16 18:21:43 EDT 2001

>  True, one needs to be very careful about what one says in a
> public forum.  On the other hand, in any lawsuit, the plaintiff
> bears the burden of proving libel and/or slander.  Further, the
> truth is an absolute defense.  Hence, if the person who has
> stated things about the plaintiff personally knows that they are
> in fact true, then there is no liability.  Hence, one needs to be
> very careful about what is said, and one has to know it to be
> true.  Passing along heresay will not create a truth defense.
> My .$02
> Greg J

	We are going way off topic pretty quickly on this one, but anyone
who thinks that truth is an absolute defense is deluding themselves.  The
only absolute defense in the U.S. criminal justice is being wealthy and thus
be able to hire the best lawyers.  In the end, truth has little relation to
the rightness or wrongness of an act or legal case.  Sorry to have to be the
one to break that to you . . .

	-- Shaun

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