almost Quattro-less and lifeless

Aaron Sherrick amsk at
Thu May 17 20:52:31 EDT 2001

I was coming home from school on Tuesday evening and had just gotten off the
highway.  I brought my 4kq up to 60mph to pass a tractor trailer before the
road went into one lane.  After I pass him this guy in a pickup pulls RIGHT
out in front of me!  I swerved hard left to avoid him and then tried to
swerve back into my lane, but that caused a wicked fish tail.  I lost
control and put the car sideways and spun across the road finally stopping
in the gravel on the OTHER side of the road, right in front of a
decent-sized bank.  Thankfully there was no one in the oncoming lane so I
didn't hit anyone or anything.  My mountain bike stayed on my Thule roof
rack, too!  The guy got out of his truck and came running over to make sure
I was OK and apologized up and down.  Boy did that get my attention!

'86 4kq w/less rubber

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