Bumper cover repair

Brian O'Neill briano_72 at yahoo.com
Sat May 19 17:36:16 EDT 2001

we ( a body shop ) have a textureed material that we
first spray on the top areas, then after it drys paint
it trim black. im sure body shop suppliy stores have
some sort of spray can texture paint. i would guess if
anyone made it, it would be the company called sem.
the also make the trim black bumper paint, that stuff
is very,very good. i have numerous 5k turbo and non
turbo front covers and some rear covers for sale if
anyone needs them also. of course they all have some
degree of scratches or scrapes, i can email pictures
and you can even request colors on them, i have alot.
                                      brian o'
93 90 cs
90 80
89 80 ( needs front end parts still )
88 944 turbo s ( for sale )

--- JanDebL at aol.com wrote:
> I have a 5K bumper cover with several deep scratches
> in it that I want to 
> repair & paint.  I have done this on my 2C with good
> results however the 5K 
> cover has a pebbled texture rather than the smooth
> surface of the 2C. I was 
> wondering if anyone has tackled a similar repair and
> how they recreated the 
> texture in the repaired areas.
> Since all of the damaged areas are in the surface of
> the turn signals, I 
> could sand the entire area smooth as a last resort. 
> Any BTDTs?
> TIA, Jan Lahtonen

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