Audi in rallying

colin cohen colincohen at
Sun May 20 18:19:14 EDT 2001

My records show that you are correct that their wizardry was not perfected
for the Jan 84 Paris - Dakar so they used a "production type 5 speed gearbox
and a simple mechanical center differential lock." (per Graham Robson)  The
car was proposed with a six speed which was eventually used in the S1 Sport
Quattro.  No acknowledgement that I have seen admits to the initial drive
train being ex Quattro.  But given the year I would believe this to be the
case absent anyone who could give me a reason to think otherwise.


----- Original Message -----
From: <JanDebL at>
To: <ccohen5 at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: Audi in rallying

> Correct me if I'm wrong, but the first 959 Porsches which won the Paris to
> Dakar rally actually used Quattro running gear because Porsche was still
> having teething problems with their AWD system.
> Jan Lahtonen

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