to buy or not to buy

Jenny Curtis jenny at
Mon May 21 14:39:48 EDT 2001


I would never buy a car with structural rust (on suspension
compnonents, etc.) as a fixer-upper.  You could wind up spending alot
of money and not have a car that's safe to drive.  Surface rust is OK,
but it sounds like this car has more serious rust.  It might be OK as
a parts car, but it doesn't sound like it has much in the way of the
kinds of stuff that wears out on a 4KQ, like brakes, suspension
components, fuel pump, muffler etc.

I looked at lots of junker 4000s when I was shopping for mine.  Most
of them needed suspension work, brakes and surface rust.  Since it
takes so long to wear out the engines, it doesn't surprise me that the
engine was just fine.  If you are looking to get started working on a
project car, maybe you should buy the seats out of this one and think
about painting one of your existing cars silver!

I always have enough stuff wrong with my daily driver that if I had
another car, I could easily let my daily driver be my pet project car.

864kQ (currently under the knife to replace the differential! )

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