to buy or not to buy...

Robert Myers robert at
Wed May 23 10:41:24 EDT 2001

FYI, Mike, if the owner is legitimate he can replace the WV title for $5 
through the State of West Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

Choose one:
A.      The seller is ignorant of this and should be pitied.
B.      The seller is lying and you should run rapidly in the other direction.

At 04:50 AM 5/23/01, Mike Arman wrote:

> >From: ReD4000QuATTRo at
> >Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 22:25:13 EDT
> >Subject: Re: to buy or not to buy...
> >To: <quattro at>
> >
> >Megan!
> >
> >I cannot believe you were considering purchasing the car.  Any car that
>you can't drive home is definately not work paying for.  I found my 86 4KQ
>for $1000.  The car was in great condition, having few dings and needing a
>new brake job.  I say skip it and go straight for a new S4.  =)
> >
> >Peymon
> >86 4KQ 2.2L
>"Any car that you can't drive home is definately not work paying for."
>So that's what I've been doing wrong all thse years! I guess I should not
>have bought the 1969 BMW R-50 with 4,000 original miles on it for $250
>because the front wheel was bent and I couldn't drive it home. Or the 1968
>Munch Mammoth showing 497 miles for $2,000, which had a dead battery. Or
>the 1967 Cessna 150 for $4,000 because the starter was bad (or does that
>not count because I had to fly it home, not drive it?) Or the car I've been
>driving for five years now, a very nice 86 5Ks for $400 - broken rod,
>arrived by towtruck.
>Personally, I LOVE stuff that doesn't run! It scares off all of the casual
>buyers, and there are some REAL DEALS to be had out there. Remember, retail
>is for other people!
>Right now, I'm looking at a maroon 89 100 for $350. Flawless body and grey
>leather interior, needs a change of stale gas - why so cheap? Seller lost
>the West Virginia title. I'm going to bid $200 and see what happens.
>Best Regards,
>Mike Arman
>Best Regards,
>Mike Arman
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  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244

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