dr. leaky discovers 5k Man

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed May 23 20:50:57 EDT 2001

In my experience, that rapid a leak without a discernible spray from a hose 
is the center seals of the pump.  The leaking usually runs off the bottom 
of the middle of the pump.  You can see it usually on a 5K with one of 
those mirror-on-a-stick devices.

At 09:18 PM 05/23/2001 +0000, Chris Dyer wrote:

>My '87 5kcstq is losing its hyd./pwr steering fluid at an alarming rate. 
>Basically, pour in fluid, watch it drip/gush onto pavement.  I can't tell 
>exactly where it's coming from.  Looking at side of car, it puddles just 
>in front and behind the fr. wheel/axle plane.  That could be an anomaly 
>from fluid traveling from elsewhere a la oil on a string.
>History: new steering rack 10 mos. ago; new upper and lower hose 1 mo. ago.
>I'm guessing w/age & mileage that the pump is toast.  Anyone?
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