VW intermittent wiper relay

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Thu May 24 02:52:20 EDT 2001

"Pat, Andrea & Theo Quinn" wrote:

> Hi,
> I just sold my '95 90q, so I pulled the VW intermittent wiper relay (3B0 955
> 531), will this work on a '87 5000? I have a friend with one, other wise I
> will sell it.

It did work on a 84 4kq I had, and also 87 Vanagon and 92 A100. Stupid me forgot
to remove it when I sold the 100, so now I dont have any, and havent gotten
around to getting another one.

Yes, I do miss it at times. The 4kq, not the relay.

92 Cabrio 2.3E

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