'87 5kCSQ: The benefits of going back.
Sheffield Corey
shefs_audi at yahoo.com
Thu May 24 17:16:38 EDT 2001
Howdy fellow Audinauts,
I was rewarded the week when, on a lark, I went to Ned Ritchie's
website and went through his "Tips" section. I had read it years ago,
but forgotten most of it, and I had also read this particular tip in a
Quattro Club newsletter years ago. I had been having a problem with the
inside/outside temp. readout on the climate control head for a while;
in the cold hard light of day you just couldn't read the numbers. They
were way too dim. A "step around" this was to open the glove box; this
caused the read-out to go to normal daytime brightness. Also, on
occasion my dashlights would not come on when I turned the lights on at
night. This was very troubling. The "step around" on this one was to
move the the lights-on lever only part way to the on position. The temp
numbers on the climate control would glow extra brightly and a second
later you could move the lever the rest of the way and the dashlights
would be normal again. This problem seemed to only appear on rainy or
high humidity nights.
Well, Ned's "Tips" mentioned that if the dashlights were acting
strangely one should check the two bulbs that illuminate the rear
license plate...sure enough, one of mine was out. I replaced it this
afternoon and the outside/inside temp. light on the CC is once again a
bright light in the daytime. It has been raining here in southern New
England for about 4 days now with another weakend(sic) expected...I
ought to get to see if the dashlight problem is also solved. THANK YOU,
The gist of this post is that it is beneficial to go back and reread
things that you thought you already knew...or maybe it is that getting
older DOES make you more forgetful:-( Anyways...
Have a great long weekend, friends. May it not be weak on either end:-)
Happy motoring,
Sheffield Corey
Wickford, Rhode Island U.S.A.
'87 5KCSTQ
'87 XL600R
'66 Corvette Coupe
Quattro: The way to GO! when conditions say: "NO!!!"
But as a wise fellow once said: "4x0=2x0".
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