'85 4KQ Buzzing in dash

StaticNiche_Quattro StaticNiche_Quattro at hotmail.com
Fri May 25 01:27:12 EDT 2001

I originally thought this noise was electrical, so I did what you and
nwloves suggested and checked the emergency flasher switch.  when I took the
switch out to clean it, it buzzed while being half plugged in... the buzzing
it made was different than the buzzing I've been hearing, so I assume that
wasnt the problem... but I de-oxed the switch just for good measure and I
still get the buzzing, only now I'm sure that that isnt the problem.

After I stopped assuming the noise was coming from the dash I tried to find
out exactly where it comes from.  Once I put my head down by the pedals and
revved the motor to 3,000 RPMs with my hand, I was quit sure that I found
the source of the noise.  It seems to be coming from where the top of the
clutch pedal connects to or goes into the wall. (I dont know the proper
technical names for any of that stuff) and it does sound like a mechanical
buzzing or fast rattling.  The noise is loudest at 3,000 RPMs and gets
quieter farther from that RPM.  It is not audible at all past 3,300 or

I'm sorry that my initial question was not very specific to the problem.
But thanks to your help I think I now know the source of the noise and the
conditions it happens under.  Now that the question is more specific, does
anyone have any ideas?

Dan R.
'85 4KQ

----- Original Message -----

> You didn't say if the buzzing sounded like it was of a mechanical or an
> electrical nature ...
> If it is mechanical I would recommend that you simply remove the IC hood
> it is held in place by two screws ... and take the car for a drive in an
> area where there is no traffic so you can focus on localizing it ...
> If the buzzing sounds electrical my prime suspect would be the flasher
> ... with the underlying culprit being the emergency flasher switch.
> Sometimes you can make it go away by working the emergency flasher switch
> ... sometimes not.  A squirt of DeoxIT resolved the problem in my '85 4kSQ
> ...
> HTH!
> Steve Buchholz
> San Jose, CA (USA)
> ----- Original Message -----
> My '85 4kq has a buzzing noise coming behind the dash.  The sound only
> happens between ~2700-3300 RPMs.  It happens even if im not in gear and
> moving, but it doenst happen if the clutch is depressed (even depressed
> a tiny bit).
> As far as i can tell there's nothing wrong with the way the car runs or
> anything, but the buzzing is very annoying.  But even more than being
> annoyed by it, i am curious as to what it might be.  If anyone has seen
> before or has any clue as to what it might be, please let me know.   Any
> thoughts would be appreciated.

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