where to find???

Dave Hord spokes at mail.the-wire.com
Sat May 26 15:41:01 EDT 2001

Hi all.

I'm trying to find an inexpensive source for a certain elecrical connector. 
This summer, when I set up my dashboard the way I want it, I'm going to want to 
create a way to have each the entire front panel come off easily...using 

I have a few of the following connectors:


They are easy to use, secure, non-reversible and you can join as many together 
as you like...almost like lego.  

Alas...i can't find the darn things (or something similar) in any of the online 
surplus stores. (searched through Yahoo and Alta-Vista)

Does anyone know a good source for these, or something like them?


89 90q  280,000km  

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