VW intermittent wiper relay

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat May 26 17:59:06 EDT 2001

The VW variable speed intermittent wiper relay works more or less this 
way:  You turn the wiper on, turn it back off, wait your guestimate of 
apporpriate interval, turn wiper back on and the relay then runs the wiper 
at the interval of time you waited.  Audi offers the same relay at several 
times the co$t.

At 01:42 PM 05/26/2001 -0400, Andrew Buc wrote:

>On Fri, 25 May 2001 17:04:03 -0400, Robert Myers wrote:
> >It provides a _variable interval_ intermittent sweep.  It's a worthwhile
> >and relatively inexpensive mod.
>I'd think it would need to be wired to some kind of continuously
>variable rheostat or whatever. On a 4kq, would the knob below the light
>switch do?

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