what screens fit??????? long

alan pritchard alanthecelt at alanthecelt.screaming.net
Mon May 28 02:06:05 EDT 2001

ok, ive been getting my car legal for some time now (and occasionly driving
in between) the car is currently -mot and -tax. so today im leaving my
girlfriend's nans house and i pull out to a junction and watch a cop car
drift past, i get a little nervous and hesitate for a couple of seconds
until its further away.  i pull out of the junction and drive down the road
to see the cop ca pull into a petrol station, and doubloe back towards me,
doh doh doh......  i get past it and it is waiting to pull out (luckily
there is traffic coming the other way) so i take the first left and floor
it, i weave through lots of side roads and the best i can see is the cop car
held up a 1/4 of a mile back (im also trying not to look suspicious).
eventually i come out at my mates house (where i was going) get out and go
inside.  a cup of coffee later and the cop car pulls up, doh doh doh. well
ive got to produce my documents, if i backdate my tax thats a 40 pound fine,
as for mot, god only knows.  So i figure ill get it legal this week (at
least this will look better in court).  So i still need a windscreen , What
fits an 84 cgt????? bar other cgt windscreens?.............

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