do Audi 80-90 15" wheels fit CGT? anyone have the 15" 4 lug ronals?

Per Lindgren lindgre at
Mon May 28 17:31:44 EDT 2001

JordanVw at wrote:

> my friend who just bought the '86 CGT is looking to upgrade to 15"
> wheels...
> will the 4 lug 15" wheels from a Audi 80 or Audi 90 fit the CGT?


>  like the
> 15" Speedline or BBS style found on the 80-90 quattro?


>  are they the right
> offset?

yes, should fit.

> anyone have a set of the 4 lug 15" ronals?

not me

>  what models of audis have the 15"
> 4 lug wheels that will fit on the CGT?

all Audi 80/90 and Cabrio B4 from 92-up have 15" as stock wheels. The
T89 80/90 used 14" as stock, maybe more luck finding them on a Coupe.

> i remember the '86 audi 5000 cs non-turbo had 4 lug ronals, but they
> were 14"
> right?

Probably available as 15" as well.

> i dont think ive ever seen a set of the 15" 4 lug ronals..

I'm not sure.

> any help would be appreciated, or if anyone has some 4 lug 15" wheels
> for
> sale, that are the proper offset for the CGT, let me know, ill pass it
> on to
> him..

Just remember to not use the tires from a B4 80/90. They are too large.

92 Cabrio 2.3E

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