For AOL users posting to Q-list

Audi A4 a4 at
Mon May 28 22:45:07 EDT 2001

> Sounds like a PITA to do, but perhaps it will solve a problem for 
> someone. Hope AOL fixes this in their next version.  (I'm not holding 
> my breath.  AOL seems to regard all its users as techo-idiots who 
> need continual handholding and big brother to help them, which is not 
> the case for many on this list.)

I wonder if it would be too much to ask for AOL users to not use their
primary AOL address for q-list purposes.  Open a hotmail or yahoo account
and have q-list email sent there.  

I understand those services can be configured to not use HTML in their
email.  I do know that hotmail can be configured for use with Outlook
Express in a fashion similiar to POP3.  

Just my $0.02


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