Oversensitive ABS

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at nwonline.net
Tue May 29 09:49:24 EDT 2001

Hello Eyvind.........I disconnected the ABS on my 87 5ktq for similar 
reasons, although I don't drive often on gravel roads.

Other listers speculated that the condition developed because of corrosion 
of the "teeth" that rotate in the hubs and are looked at by the wheel 
sensors. These teeth become encrusted with iron oxide flakes on some cars 
and no longer generate a crisp regular signal in the sensor, especially at 
lower speeds, so the sensor thinks the wheel is locking up when it really 
isn't.....when a sensor doesn't see a signal, the system reads that as 
impending lockup and replies with a "BRRRRRRDDDDTTTTT" which we call a 

Mine was "shuddering" about half the time on dry pavement near the end of a 
rolling stop, just in the last few feet. Over a year, that condition became 
disconcerting and more frequent.

I tried brushing and blasting compressed air on the "teeth"  to remove the 
iron oxide flakes, but the treatment didn't solve the problem and doing it 
was very difficult, like working blind. I also tried repositioning the 
sensors, using new plastic caps, and had no luck. I had all the tests run 
on all the system components without finding any faults. Then I 
disconnected the system and gave up.  I was told that the teeth are part of 
the CV joint, and the cost of new CV joints at all 4 corners wasn't 

Life without an overly active ABS is quieter and not so alarming.

I hope that you find a better solution.

Doyt Echelberger

At 11:21 AM 5/29/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>I think the ABS in my '90 200TQ is a bit too sensitive. When driving
>on a dirt road and braking as hard as possible, the ABS kicks in and
>makes the car use at least twice the "normal" distance. I know that
>ABS on such roads doesn't work as good as locked wheels, but if I try
>other ABS-equipped cars, they allow a lot heavier braking before the
>ABS kicks in, with a lot shorter braking distance. What could be the

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