It seemed like a good day...

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue May 29 17:26:02 EDT 2001

--- Jim Haseltine <Jim at> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> > Bad coolant temp sensor tricking the ECU into
> firing
> > the cold start valve continuously?
> Who wants to bet thnat this is the problem?
> Or maybe I should say _was the original_ problem.
> I've just tried starting
> the car again -figured that after 2 hours flooded
> plugs would have dried
> off - disconnected the cold start valve just in case
> and turned the engine
> over. It nearly jumped off its mountings, awful
> noise so I stopped. Pulled
> all of the plugs - all of the plugs appeared to be
> dry but then I checked
> the cylinders #2 is dry, all the others have got
> fuel in them - loads of
> fuel, the piston depressions are full to
> overflowing. No wonder it was
> noisy, it was trying to compress liquid fuel.
> Sh*t. Just what I don't need - its only been back on
> the road since
> February.
> One thing that I noticed but didn't mention earlier,
> is that the fuel pump
> seemed to be working overtime as soon as I switched
> the ignition on.
> So-
> 1. How did all that fuel get there? Cold start valve
> or are the injectors
> leaking?
> 2. What are the chances that this attempt to start
> the engine has bent a rod
> or two?
> 3. Now what do I do?
> I assume that the coolant sensor reffered to by code
> 2312 is the big
> multi-function sensor #034 919 369 C?

--- Jim Haseltine <Jim at> wrote:
> > Bad coolant temp sensor tricking the ECU into
> firing
> > the cold start valve continuously?
> Who wants to bet thnat this is the problem?
> Or maybe I should say _was the original_ problem.
> I've just tried starting
> the car again -figured that after 2 hours flooded
> plugs would have dried
> off - disconnected the cold start valve just in case
> and turned the engine
> over. It nearly jumped off its mountings, awful
> noise so I stopped. Pulled
> all of the plugs - all of the plugs appeared to be
> dry but then I checked
> the cylinders #2 is dry, all the others have got
> fuel in them - loads of
> fuel, the piston depressions are full to
> overflowing. No wonder it was
> noisy, it was trying to compress liquid fuel.
> Sh*t. Just what I don't need - its only been back on
> the road since
> February.
> One thing that I noticed but didn't mention earlier,
> is that the fuel pump
> seemed to be working overtime as soon as I switched
> the ignition on.
> So-
> 1. How did all that fuel get there? Cold start valve
> or are the injectors
> leaking?
> 2. What are the chances that this attempt to start
> the engine has bent a rod
> or two?
> 3. Now what do I do?
> I assume that the coolant sensor reffered to by code
> 2312 is the big
> multi-function sensor #034 919 369 C?
I don't know.  I think that's called hydrolock or
something.  The engine tries to compress liquid.  Not
good.  What car/engine do you have.  Maybe someone
else will know that model better.  All that fuel got
in there somehow.  I don't know how THAT much fuel
could have gotten in there.  Is it possible the air
plate is stuck open?  That's alot of fuel, even if ALL
the injectors leaked AND the cold start valve was
firing full time.  I think at the minimum you need to
get that fuel out of there and figure out where it's
coming from.

Jim Accordino

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