best way to access cabin temp sensor/fan...

Konstantin Bogach kbogach at
Wed May 30 01:34:17 EDT 2001

I just looked at SJM site and I see that location of the "sucker" is different
on 5K '86-88 models from 100-200 '89-91.  In later case I had to remove dash to
get access to it.

Konstantin Bogach.

Kneale Brownson wrote:

> Here's Scott Mockry's report on aspirator (sensor fan) motor removal.  The
> top of the dash comes off.
> At 10:22 PM 05/29/2001 +0000, Stephen Ankney wrote:
> >Listers,
> >Went to the junkyard today to see if I could get a spare inside cabin temp
> >sensor fan. I took off the center console and the glove compartment and
> >still can't seem to access the fan. I was pressed for time so I left it
> >disassembled and plan to go back tommorow. What's the best way to get this
> >little f at cker out? Do I need to take off the whole dash? I hope not...
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Steve Ankney
> >88 5000s
> >Holland, MI
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