R-12 to R-134

Bernard Littau bernardl at acumenassociates.com
Tue May 29 23:42:17 EDT 2001

> Anyone out there done the R-12 to R-134 switch and if so what parts did
> use and how well does it work.

Hi Neil,

Did my '88 5ktq two or so years ago.  In short, purged R-12, left vacuum on
overnight, added R-134 and lube.  Works like a charm.  As I recollect, added
10% less or so R-134 than optimum R-12 load.

I did not replace anything.  Most parts for R-134 are quite different, and
the R-12 and R-134 parts are generally not compatible with the other
refrigerant.  Interesting, though, that R-12 pumps, once run on R-12, can be
then run on R-134 without strange side-effects.  A new R-12 pump, run from
new on R-134, will soon fail.

Here are some web references I used:


Bernard Littau
Woodinville, WA
'88 5ktq

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