A6 1.8T

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Wed May 30 16:36:55 EDT 2001

Brad Wilson wrote:

> F. Stolp wrote:
> > Yeah, newer Audi's sometimes have quit small engines. Some are really
> > underpowered (how about an 1.8 in an A6??)
> I could imagine wanting a low cost A6, because of the room inside, and 1.8T
> would be the ideal engine. You can do low cost upgrades that put it right
> back into the power range of the 2.8L, but at substantially lower cost (and
> better fuel economy).

Ferry talks of the 1.8 non-turbo here. It has 125 hp from it's 5v head. It is
the base engine here in Norway, together with the 90 hp 1.9 TDI. The A3 and A4
has a 1.6 105 hp as base engines.

The A6 1.8T is a very popular model though, because of low initial cost
(compared to 2.4 and 2.8) and still easy to upgrade to more hp.

92 Cabrio 2.3E

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