Radar detectors allowed in Germany?
Ero Rademer
erademer at igd.fhg.de
Wed May 30 18:46:12 EDT 2001
Tom Nas <tnas at euronet.nl> wrote:
> I've just answered my own question - radar detectors are
> not allowed in Germany
Aside the technical issues on using an US-spec radar detector
in germany, trade (*) and *use* of radar detectors are *not*
exactly illegal by the law. BUT: Police has the right to confiscate
the unit (plugged in and working or not!) and to disable/destroy it
permanently "when there is a reasonable presumption that you will
use the device to speed intentionally". That you can try to argue
with the police or the officials; for example if you are a writer
for an auto magazine and are only testing the different models,
they must not confiscate them (and they did not, in the past).
So the trick might be, to have 10 to 12 active radar detectors on
your windscreen and a press ID card...
This is valid for radar detectors. Quite funny, it is not valid
for laser jammers and/or these tuned LPDs (they have forced give
those back, whereas the latter *are* in fact illegal to *use* [not
to own] if you do not hold an amateur radio license).
(*) Nevertheless the selling of radar detectors is by law
considered "immoral"/"impure" (translation?) (same category
as selling phone sex etc.) which can have an impact on the
handling of, lets say, "transaction problems"...
Michael Murphy <vag at bavarianparts.com> wrote:
> Germans call the long lines of trucks on the autobahn
> "elephant races".
As a native german guy, let me state it more precisely: An
"elephant race" is it, when (at least) one truck overtakes
another with less than a 2km/h difference on the Autobahn.
Not the convoy itself. OK, thats nitpicking...
So long, have a nice trip, and don't forget: No right turn
on red except there is a green arrow on a tinny plate...
/\/ \ .--.--. \ /
\___/ (_/^I^\_) --O--
Ero Rademer - - - - ,--I--. ...
Fraunhofer Institut fuer /_ _ _ _\ .
Graphische Datenverarbeitung
Rundeturmstrasse 6 Treppenstrasse 3
D-64283 Darmstadt, Germany D-64367 Muehltal
tel: +49 (0)6151 155-537 tel: +49 (0)6151 917764
fax: +49 (0)6151 155-499 fax: +49 (0)6151 917767
d1: +49 (0)170 2049673
email: erademer at igd.fhg.de email: ero at rademer.de
http://www.igd.fhg.de/igd-a8 http://www.rademer.de/ero
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