Revelations about car obsession - re :moving

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed May 30 17:33:28 EDT 2001

Hey, I've got a MB 250SE coupe (5 passenger, two-door) in the barn and 
three complete sets of wheels, one left over from the 230SL I no longer 
have.  I also have two sets of front wheels mit snows for a junked SAAB 99, 
but only one extra set of  four snow wheels for the six Audis in the yard.

At 08:11 PM 05/30/2001 +0200, Tom Nas wrote:

>Kwattro at wrote:
>>So, I'm moving up the street tomorrow, and I'm gathering all of my goods, of
>>which I apparently, in the last 23 years, have collected a lot of.  But one
>>thing struck me as I started to pull wheels and tires out of the basement.  I
>>walked up the stairs with a wheel and tire in my hands 19 times, and 7 times
>>just with tires.  I have two cars, and I have 6 sets of wheels, 3 spares, and
>>one and 3/4 set of unmounted tires.  For two cars.  One of which, might I
>>add, is a garage queen.
>>I'm nuts, I suppose.
>>Then, I started logically making arguments for having so many wheels and
>>tires.  To myself.  Yup, I'm nuts.  And so, in the middle of my arguments I
>>interupted myself to mention to myself that such arguments were merely the
>>work of complete obsession.
>>Well, at least I'm not bored.
>So if you're nuts, so am I. Two Audis, six full sets of wheels (four 
>alloy, two steels with M&S). Three complete sets are now residing more or 
>less permanently in my hallway, as is one unused full-size Ronal R8 spare 
>and one steel spare is in the toilet (the result of a joke). Friends are 
>likening my apartment to a KwikFit branch, one of the benefits of being 
>single is that no-one else really cares.
>Oh, and there's a passenger seat from an '85 90 in my hallway, waiting to 
>be converted to an office chair. And a Thule rack for the type 89s I 
>bought used recently, leaning against a stack of wheels.

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