Fwd: Re: Shopping spree (N.A.C.)

Chris Dyer chrisdyer at hotmail.com
Thu May 31 19:34:20 EDT 2001

Actually that happened in San Diego about 5 or so years ago. Crazy 
ex-National Guard tank driver went bonkers and stole a tank. Came close to 
killing many...got stuck on the cement hiway divider, CHP (ex-tank crew 
member) opened hatch, inserted bullet. Problem solved.  Tragedy, but the 
video is absolutely mez-mo-rising.  In addition to 1 death, lots of property 

Often seen on America's Scariest [insert nouns here] tv programs.

>From: "Duncan Thomson" <duncan at systemcontrols.co.nz>
>To: <quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: Re: Shopping spree (N.A.C.)
>Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 12:11:00 +1200
> > > An Italian tank crew once got lost in Rome; the young driver
> > > recognized the Vatican, and they parked in a space facing(including
> > > the ever-important part of a tank) the direction of the Vatican.
> >
> > now that is something we just don't see enough of here in the US -
> > disoriented tanks roaming the streets of major cities!
>I'm sure I saw just that on TV one time...
>Isn't the standard fine for that $500 or a bullet in the head..?
>Actually, not so sure about the $500...
>killing people for traffic offenses seems to act as a fairly good
>reduces repeat offenders to almost (?!) zero...

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