A6Q under 9 grand, others

Brad Wilson bradw at pobox.com
Thu May 31 06:30:42 EDT 2001

Doyt W. Echelberger wrote:

> AUDI 1995 A6, silver/black int., loaded, CD, mint cond. Executive car.
> $9500. 216-432-5700 days, 216-701-1802 eves

What a funny thing, "Executive Car" to put on here. Which impression do they
think I should come away with.

0. This car was driven by someone who is spend-happy, so it's got even the
   advanced micro-grommets that nobody gets!

1. This car was nice enough for someone with 10x your salary, so I'm sure
   you'll like it

2. This car was driven by someone more important than you, so if you buy it,
   you'll become more important

3. This car was driven by someone who knew the car was temporary, so he
   treated it like crap.

Which is these is the right interpretation of "why I should care"? I'm
picking #3, and saying "thanks for the warning!". =)
Best regards,

2000 A6 2.7 biturbo quattro   http://www.quality.nu/bradw/audi/
2 turbos, 1 driver ... no limits

(I am not an executive, and you can be damned sure when I sell this car,
 this list gets first dibs! <grin>)

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