Coilover upgrade 89 90q

Kwattro at Kwattro at
Thu May 31 00:14:31 EDT 2001

In a message dated 01-05-30 15:30:21 EDT, you write:

<< claims that 2Bennett may source their 
 coilover system from Ground Control.  Is there any experience with either of 
 these kits?  I'd prefer not to spend more money on the same thing.  I'll be 
 mating the coilovers to bilstein HD shocks, good source on those?  How long 
 I expect to spend on this project?  What special tools should I get to make 
 job easier?  I'm planning on getting tool 3078 (open socket for allen wrench 
 access) soon from the local dealer.  >>

I've got Ground Control's and so does Alex.  Javad has 2Bennett's coilovers.  
They're the same essentially, although Javad can tell you the exact 2B 
differences.  I'm very happy with my GC's, and yes, I saved 50 bucks.  Plus, 
they returned my calls (:-0), while the Bennetts can be hard to get a hold 
of.  I also chose Ground Control because of their quite notorious reputation 
with SCCA front wheel drive racers, and since I wasn't coiling a quattro, I 
figured that GC would know more than anyone.  Further, since Ground Control 
supplies for 2Bennett, it seemed to make sense.  But, as I said, there are 
some advantages to Javad's setup - things are *slightly* different.  I'd talk 
to him about spring rates (Jshadzi at since your hefty car is a good 
600lbs heavier than mine.

Carter J
Kwattro at
1986 4000CS Quattro
1986 Coupe GT

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