90 200Q Parking Brake

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Nov 1 08:33:38 EST 2001

It's the PARKING brake, Huw,  not the emergency brake.  The emergency brake
was something you employed when the rods on your Model T's mechanical brake

At 10:17 PM 10/31/2001 -0500, Huw Powell wrote:

> > >Or am I better off living without it?
> >
> > Even when I get mine working I never use it, I've had too many begin
> > sticking unexpectedly and cause bigger problems.
>So the theory is it is a "one use" item - and hope it works in that
>I think it oughtta be fixed and kept operating.  Unlike AC, vacuum
>pumps, ABS, & trip computers...
>Huw Powell

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