engage brain...

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Thu Nov 1 12:25:42 EST 2001

Driving on a section of 128 tuesday, I see a year old A6 pull onto
the highway.  Guy's wearing some phone headset, leaning towards the
middle of the car, one hand on the wheel(what is it with people who
do that? Do they think they look "cool" with their head 6 inches to
the right?)  He pops into the left lane but isn't really travelling
fast enough to justify it.

Anyway, he's doing pretty well, until we start approaching the prison
and Needham.  He starts to weave.  Dramatically.  As in, right wheel
over the right line.  Then the other way.  This goes on for about a
minute...and then, clearly ignoring that wonderful phrase in all our
owners manuals, he decides to go off roading!  Yep, wanders right off
the left side of the highway into the grass(he's damn lucky a
guardrail didn't start; here, in some places they come out of the
ground; DIY stunts!)

He manages to get the car back onto the pavement.  I could just
imagine the conversation on the phone.

"Um, yeah, I just nearly killed myself, can I call you back later?"

He was a -perfect- driver from then on...both hands on the wheel and
right smack in the middle of the middle lane...

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
http://www.users.cloud9.net/~brett/bdikeman.asc	(PGP Public Key)

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